Sunday, April 28, 2013

Grunt, 3D Final, April

For our 3D Final, we had to design a grunt. For those who aren't fully familiar with video game jargon, a 'grunt' is a first-level creature, designed to be killed in large numbers. The opposite of a boss creature, I guess. For my design, I did 'Cherry Bomb'-- his story is as follows:

"Cherry Bomb is a member of the first guard in the Slithy Forest. His people, threatened by the encroaching imperialistic forces of the Empirical Empire, sought to use their knowledge of root and leaf to defend their (generally) peaceful lifestyle. The first guard are in charge of scouting out first and initiating primary skirmishes with the enemy. To this effect, members of the first guard must be swift, nimble, and efficient in the means of guerilla warfare by utilising the unique environment of the Slithy Forest. Cherry Bomb's specialty is demolition: he uses the improbably explosive properties of the Redbark Cherry to lay waste to numbers of enemies at once. He is a long-range grunt, so once you get past his range of explosions he is wide open to attacks. After all, his armor is light and primarially designed for movement rather than serious protection."

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