Sunday, April 28, 2013

Grunt, 3D Final, April

For our 3D Final, we had to design a grunt. For those who aren't fully familiar with video game jargon, a 'grunt' is a first-level creature, designed to be killed in large numbers. The opposite of a boss creature, I guess. For my design, I did 'Cherry Bomb'-- his story is as follows:

"Cherry Bomb is a member of the first guard in the Slithy Forest. His people, threatened by the encroaching imperialistic forces of the Empirical Empire, sought to use their knowledge of root and leaf to defend their (generally) peaceful lifestyle. The first guard are in charge of scouting out first and initiating primary skirmishes with the enemy. To this effect, members of the first guard must be swift, nimble, and efficient in the means of guerilla warfare by utilising the unique environment of the Slithy Forest. Cherry Bomb's specialty is demolition: he uses the improbably explosive properties of the Redbark Cherry to lay waste to numbers of enemies at once. He is a long-range grunt, so once you get past his range of explosions he is wide open to attacks. After all, his armor is light and primarially designed for movement rather than serious protection."

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Figure Final, April

Here are the two drawings that ended up being my finals for Figure! Each pose took two classes, which amounts to about six hours each.

Drawing II FInal 'Trojan Horse', April

For our Drawing II final, we had to create a scene in 3 Point perspective that springboarded from the prompt 'Trojan Horse.' I took inspiration from Noah's Arc, and wondered, well, wasn't it a bit of a gift with unexpected consequences, i.e., saving the world's population?

Ecorche Model, April

The ecorche assignment was to render, in 3D polymer clay, a male human figure in the ecorche style, that is to say, 'flayed.' This assignment was to further our understanding of the subcutaneous workings of muscles, tendons, and bones.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Invented Domicile of Known Character, March/April

As it says on the tin-- choose a character and design a room for them. I chose- or, well, he was chosen for me- Pitch from Dreamwork's movie Rise of the Guardians. As he's a pretty dark guy, being the embodiment of fear and nightmares, I figured his room would also be pretty dark. So here goes!

Traditional Animation Jump, April

I've noticed I haven't posted anything from my Traditional Animation class! So here's what I've been working on recently-- before Spring Break, we had to come up with a two-legged character based on an animal. I was given 'lizard,' and so went down the marine iguana route which ended up with... this fine fellow. His name is Grom, and he has impossibly bad taste in board shorts.

We then had to animate said character in a situation where they had to perform a jump of some sort. So here's Grom's jump!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Combined Animal and Animal Drawings, April/March

Animal drawings! And lots of them! We went to both the Jungle Gardens and Big Cat Habitat to do some life drawings of animals, and in the end had to combine a bunch of them for a conceptual creature. I call mine the Anklebiter.

Sequential Comic Competition, March

This was quite fun! For figure class, we had to take a few sequential drawings we did in class and turn them into a cohesive comic. For an added bonus, our teacher said he'd give the comics to a friend he had in the industry to judge whose was best. I didn't win, unfortunately, but there were some fantastic entries so I don't feel that bad about it.

Bedouin Tent, February/March

For a 3D Design project, we had to design something called a 'Thorne Room,' named after a dollhouse maker from Chicago. The purpose of this room was to recreate an environment with 1-12 scale accuracy, so if for instance a table would regularly be 3 feet high in the room it would be 3 inches high. For my room I chose to make a miniature Bedouin tent, designed after the tents of the nomadic races who live in northern Africa and the Arabian peninsula. Here are some detail shots.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Figure Drawing, January/February

a HUGE figure drawing picture dump! Highlights of work done in the recent months.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Chess Pieces, January

We had to make chess pieces for my new 3D Design class, so I took a rather organic approach.

Monday, January 14, 2013