Sunday, October 28, 2012

Digital Portraits, Late October

For a bit of a laugh and some experimentation, I decided to bring in my laptop and tablet to figure class to get some digital practice in. I'm quite proud of my results, but my teacher said it was a "limited instrument." Nuts to him, then! (but only in that respect. otherwise, i do highly respect his opinions.)

Sketchbook, Late October

Sketchbook updates! lots of hands and feet, as well as some observational stuff from the Illest of Ill bash that happened some time ago! This sketchbook is now full~ yeah~~

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Storyboard, Mid October

We had a very exciting assignment in Figure class! (yes, I know, it seems like a lot of this work is from Figure but that's where I do so much of my work.) We had to make a storyboard out of a series of poses, and I'm... well, I'm quite proud of mine.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Scenery, Early October

Trying out some new styles of rendering scenery, using this guy's style. It's really fun!!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Super Sharks, Early October

As an addendum to the last post, here's my figure drawing homework! We had to design a super hero to show our knowledge of the muscular system, so I decided to make mine a sharkman.
Why do these gummy bears taste like soap?

Figure Drawing, Early October

Here's some of the highlights from my figure drawing lessons since October has started. For those at work, there is some nudity, so be careful!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Sketchbook pages Aug-Sept

In chronological order, here are some of the highlight pages of my most recent sketchbook. If you look hard enough, you might glimpse some hint of improvement.


The point of this blog is to record the current visual journey I'm experiencing here during my first year at Ringling. I currently don't have digital copies of the copious amounts of traditional art I've been producing, so it is with these champagne bottles of dubious quality that I baptise this artblog and declare it open:

All were works in digital, using either Photoshop and Corel Painter X, and all were between 15 minute and 1.5 hour studies. Nothing hugely impressive so far, but I'm working and I'm learning and to be sure I'll have more to show for myself soon enough!